I present myself here from my professional side and I’d like to offer my services.
I won’t write a long text at this point and would rather let the information you find here on the site speak for itself.
At the bottom of this page you will find a kind of curriculum vitae for download as PDF.
The work samples in the portfolio area will hopefully be meaningful too.
Florian Kraft ...is my name
My skills
Like many other things, you gain experience in practical or theoretical areas. Many skills I cannot list here, because they might look ridiculous. But I am always surprised to find out that they are not self-evident. For example my interest in technology goes so far that I design and build my own devices. This has already surprised many people in my environment. One of my main principles, which motivates me always and almost every day, is:
I want to learn something every day until one day I drop dead!
I have been working as a freelancer in the media landscape for 26 years now. Even before my studies, I had jobs as a layouter at a publisher in Frankfurt and internships in agencies, which then became jobs. Since then I have worked for about 35 to 40 different companies and have also done completely different things. In spite of my second degree in film, I don't see myself restricted to the topic of film or moving images.
here a selection
- Photoshop
- Adobe CC
- Autodesk Maya
- MEL Scripting
- Python Programmierung
- Web Development
- Html, Css, Php, Js
- Web Design
- Illustration
- Audio Bearbeitung
- Filmische Auflösung von Stories
- Grafik Design
- Filmschnitt